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Procurement Checklists

Procurement checklists are essential for staff who do procurement as a part of their work and can be useful for professional procurement st... thumbnail 1 summary
Procurement checklists are essential for staff who do procurement as a part of their work and can be useful for professional procurement staff as well.

The former find checklists helpful as they guide them through the process of successfully managing a procurement exercise. The latter type of staff find checklists helpful as a management tool both for planning and timing purposes and also to ensure that no step is omitted.

A good procurement checklist is not simply a list of the nine potential stages which must be followed in order to procure successfully. (The nine stages are: identifying the need, drafting a specification, identifying suppliers, pre-qualifying suppliers, tendering process, negotiation, letting the contract and supplier de-briefings etc and, finally, managing the contract). A good procurement checklist must contain a list of steps which need to be applied in order to successfully conduct the procurement. These then become the basis for planning the procurement activity.