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Additional MRN (Material Requirement Note) - SAP PP Module

At MYCOMPANY, Additional material may be required because of the following reasons: §         When QC decides that certain quantity of ... thumbnail 1 summary
Additional MRN (Material Requirement Note) - SAP PP Module

At MYCOMPANY, Additional material may be required because of the following reasons:
§        When QC decides that certain quantity of bulk produced is not fit for use and (a certain percentage not more than 10%) must be added to the next batch (recovery handling).
§         If the material issued was unusable because of the printing error on packaging materials for example.
§         If the material was spilled over during dispensing.
§         If additional material was required because of incorrect product parameters like thickness, hardness, colour, p H etc and QC decides that the problem could be corrected without a Re-processing order.
§         In the case of shop floor rejection, issuance of the damaged material will be reversed and extra material will be issued for consumption via additional MRN.
The additional material components would be added to the process order’s component list by QC. The system would thus create reservation for these material components and these material components could then be issued from stores.
The process flow for Additional MRN at MYCOMPANY is as follows:

Return MRN

In case if the material issued was unusable of the printing error on packaging materials for example, such material would be returned to the warehouse. Plus, there are certain materials like Aluminium foil which is usually issued in rolls. The left over rolls would be weighed and returned to the store. Return from the shop floor is more applicable to packaging materials at MYCOMPANY.

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