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Process Order Confirmation - SAP PP Module

Confirmations are used to document the processing of orders or operations such as production quantities, durations and activities. Data s... thumbnail 1 summary

Process Order Confirmation - SAP PP Module

Confirmations are used to document the processing of orders or operations such as production quantities, durations and activities. Data specified in a confirmation would be as follows:

§         The quantity in an operation that was produced as yield, scrap; issued as components and returned as un-used materials.
§         How much work was actually done?
§         Resources used for the operation/phase.

The following business transactions can be executed via confirmations:

§         Updating order data (for example, quantities, activities, dates, status).
§         Automatic goods receipt (for one operation per order max.).
§         Reduction of the reserved capacity for the resources.
§         Updating costs based on confirmed data.
§         Updating MRP-relevant excess or missing quantities in the order.

At MYCOMPANY, confirmations would have to be carried out for each phase. For example, if we consider Tablet Manufacturing process, there would be one operation in the recipe called Tablet Manufacturing. However, this operation could be further divided into three phases i.e. Granulation, Compression and Coating.  Each phase of the process order would have to be confirmed individually, so that the yield and order status can be tracked at shop floor level.
It is possible that the confirmations which were made were incorrect and the user wants to reverse/cancel confirmation. So the system will allow the user to cancel the confirmation.

Confirmations (to-be process)

Process owner
Triggering event
Process Order Confirmations
Confirmation is a process where the shift in-charge enters the date of manufacturing, start time, end time of production and actual weight/yield obtained in a process run.
Shop floor in-charge
Routine business activity required to be performed every time a production process has been completed.
The Flow of the (to-be) process for Confirmations is as shown below:

Goods Receipt

At MYCOMPANY, once an order has finished execution i.e. it has been confirmed, it is sent to the quarantine storage location for Quality control processes. At MYCOMPANY, for bulk materials i.e. semi-finished materials, the goods receipt process could be Automatic. However, in the packaging area, since pallets are transferred to the warehouse even without the full completion of the batch, therefore, Goods receipt would be carried out manually by the shift in-charge/supervisor.  

Process owner
Triggering event
Goods receipt
In this activity, the shift in charge would post goods receipt against the process order by entering the quantity (yield) of the material produced and its date of production (date of manufacturing).
Shift in-charge
It is a post confirmation process.
Quality Control
At MYCOMPANY, after goods receipt a quality inspection lot would be generated. QC would then perform all the necessary tests, would record the results and would take the usage decision.  If QC approves, the goods would move to the unrestricted stock, otherwise QC would check the possibility of re-processing (semi-finished/bulk only). If the possibility for re-processing existed, QC would create a onetime recipe and BOM for the reprocessing order. If reprocessing were not possible, QC would pass on the batch for destruction.


Anonymous said...

This is very nice!

Anonymous said...

This is very nice!